Teach Your Child To Think For Themselves

with parent Led Activities That Help Children Think Independently

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A Winning Formula Born of Necessity

I’m Greg Butler; I spent most of my life after college in the research and development pharmaceutical industry. During school, I competed in academic debate for Western Kentucky University. A chance opportunity to judge a homeschool debate tournament led to several years of teaching and coaching competitive debate students. I couldn’t find the right curriculum to teach debate in a one-room schoolhouse setting, so I created my own. In this video, I explain why Active Context Learning will benefit any school-aged child by empowering you, the parent, to lead critical thinking enrichment in your home.


Hear From Active Context Learning Students

"My name is Bishop Rhodes; I'm a 2nd-year medical student at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. Critical thinking was emphasized throughout my education. Examining different worldviews and public policy positions helped shape my values."

Bishop Rhodes, University of Tennessee

"I recently finished my doctoral degree and was lucky that my training started early. Because of my early immersion in critical thinking lessons, I feel comfortable examining all sides of an issue, thinking critically about the media I consume, and engaging people with whom I disagree. I am quicker to notice potential scams, misinformation, and poorly constructed arguments than I would have been otherwise."  

Veronica S., Franklin, Tennessee

"I learned the arts of argumentation and debate early, beginning at age twelve, and my academic and professional development is far the better for it. Given my experience as a debater, debate coach, and now lawyer, I cannot recommend enough that every family teaches their children to think sharply and speak eloquently."

Mitchell B., Birmingham, AL


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